Virgin Atlantic Earth
To provide an Introduction to essential world geography and the climate, as well as explaining the operation of international time zones. It then goes on to cover interesting and stimulating facts about each country in turn with useful details of key travel destinations, including aspects of historical interest.
Entry Requirements
By diagnostic test to establish English Language Skills
Qualification Structure
- List and identify the location of the world continents and oceans
- List and identify the location of the countries of the world
- List and identify the location of capital cities of the main countries of the world
At the Confederation of Tourism & Hospitality (CTH), our core mission is to provide the highest standard of hospitality, tourism and culinary qualifications. CTH achieves this through robust monitoring supported by industry, universities and the UK government regulator, Ofqual.
Virgin Atlantic, and Star Alliance work with CTH on our Career Skills programmes while our Management programmes lead to final year undergraduate and Masters degrees with many British and international universities.